Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Cheezefest That Is David Vandervelde by J. Senior

Maybe I'm just old...wait a minute...oh yeah...I am friggin old. When I first encountered this song, "Nothin' No", I was like " this Ween?", then "no", then "hey why is this guy so serious when he sounds like Ween?", then "this sounds this old?" (I was in my car, the window was down, and I was driving fast), then it ended...I was sad...i wanted to know more...oh wait...the DJ just told me his name...David Vander-somesuchshit.

Upon arriving at work I immediately got on the Google...I love that Google knows I can't spell and loves me for it...and found out the man's name...surprise he has a MySpace page. I listened to this damn song about 15 times...turns out I like it...I like it fine. Its nice and spacey with some cheesy ass guitars and fake sitars and some crazy spaced out David Bowie/George Harrison (and Ween!!) vocals. But here is the kicker, as my esteemed young colleague has mentioned, he means it.

The song is about some very cliche relationship, where apparently drugs, alcohol, cheating, and lies are par for the course. I can relate! That was my marriage...and every other ridiculous relationship I have ever had...all set to some very well recorded cheese. Oh yeah, did I mention that i find the layering and the sound quality of this to be enjoyable? I do...I'm a sucker for the occasional space rock.

There are other songs by our little friend David...forget them...I did. I also feel I need to address the rock star posturing in evidence. So here it is...there is rock star posturing in evidence. This doesn't really bother me so much, it just means i won't bring a chick I wanna bang to one of his shows...they don't need to be reminded that I am not nearly as pretty.

The bottom line? I like that one song and I will visit from time to time to see if there is anymore good stuff.

SENIOR FINAL VERDICT: MySpace Friendship Accepted (although I reserve the right to delete you next week, once I am tired of spam about shows in Arkansas)


Justin S. said...


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the band Silversun Pickups

Unknown said...

yeah its definitely in the same vein