Are you mad at yourself?
Did you eat more than your daily allotment of chocolate cake?
Do you need to be punished?
Well then you should listen to this!!
I'll be honest, when i stumbled upon this shining star I figured I was in for a foul tasting treat. In no way was I prepared for this! This is not good. This doesn't even approach the realm that exists on the periphery of good! God help us all... some folk singer found the eyeliner.
I actually don't know where to start...the fashion awfulness or the musical yuck. Music? Imagine the Gin Blossoms' B sides...now imagine the ones that weren't good enough for B-sides...now imagine that those B-side rejects really really really really wished that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was still on so they could be featured on the soundtrack. Got the image in your head? Is it fully formed? Yes? Good. Now tattoo it and put some eyeliner on it and now growl a lot because you are angry that Buffy was canceled or ended or whatever. There you go! You got Lukas Rossi!!

This is Hot Topic pop at its best...which in and of itself is a very bad thing. But this one took all of my chocolate cake and ran away with it. There is no way I will be able to sleep tonight after having heard this. As the lyrics to the drooling piano screamer "Memories of You" state, "I need to burn the memories away". I will need seriously large amounts of whiskey. Copious amounts of whiskey, in order to burn these memories away.
I was going to go into depth on a few of the songs...but I just can't bring my self to do it. Listen, look, shudder...go ahead..I dare you.

Great analysis. Lukas Rossi does indeed suck.
if you only knew how many shriveled up and makeup caked cougars drool over this cluckadoo.
Lukas Rossi's music does indeed suck. Its the reason that the few fans he obtained on the TV show are leaving in droves.
If you're curious as to why his music is so depressing, its because he gets his inspiration from his narcissistic, belligerent porn star wife.
there was a TV show? i thought i read snippets that alluded to such...but i fled too quickly
i was thinking maybe he should just fuck his porn star wife and shut up :D
Oh and i dont find his music ACTUALLY depressing...i find that he TRIES to be depressing...which is depressing in a whole different way
He's a poser, trying to be emo is what posers do best.
Don't blame the poser, blame the porn whore wifey.
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