Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Cheezefest That Is Mr. David Vandervelde by J. Junior

David Vandervelde's own myspace describes him as "The sound we heard coming through in stereo was that of our coming-of-age years screaming back at us - a faithful reminder that our beauteous days of bowing before pin-up rock stars and carving iconographic logos on desktops and in famous treetrunks have not passed us by. No, David Vandervelde is here to remind us that the truest, most primal and addictive properties of rock n' roll are ageless." Not my stereo David Vandervelde.

When I hit play for first song "Nothin' No," I was like "hey, this kind of oldschool. this might be interesting." Then as soon as his vocals kicked in, I got some serious cringe face. I felt like I was in highschool again, at one of those lame basement shows I was always at, watching one of my friends make a total asshole of himself up on the stage and me feeling really embarrassed for them. As much as it pains me, I have kept re-playing the track trying to come up with an accurate way I can describe his voice, and all I can think to say is how over-produced and gratingly whiney it was.

OH! And that's not even the single shittiest part. Check out the lyrics to the chorus:

"i rememeber every word that you said
i'm much more flattered by the thoughts in your head
let me tell you baby
nothin' no
is gonna keep us apart"

He says that over and over. WTF David? Nothin' no my fart.

And the worst part is that the dude is totally serious. it's not some kind of amusing kitschy classic rock throw back. DUDE IS TOTALLY SERIOUS. You can even tell by the album cover, he has total Morrisey face.

David Vandervelde, I just can't take your cock rock seriously and you need to get your shit together before you can own that Morrisey face.

JUNIOR FINAL VERDICT: Myspace Friendship Denied

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